Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The early bird gets the worm!


-Lateral Ladder
-In Place

The Workout

-Glute/Ham Complex
Empty Trap Bar DL 3x10
Reverse Slide Board Lunges 3x5 each leg
KB Swings 3x10

-Trap Bar Jumps 4x5

-Band Accels to Band Resisted Back Pedal x4

-Lower Body Finisher
KB Swings 3x20
Lateral Slide Board Lunges 3x5 each way
Squat Jumps 3x5

School is starting again soon and I have work days this week so this was a 5 A.M. workout.  Yes, It was still hot at that time...  My rule for morning workouts is to make sure I'm up at least 2 hours before I start.  It helps wake me up and get the fluids running through my body in order to avoid any potential injury.  Surprisingly, It wasn't that difficult waking up at 3 A.M.  It may sound crazy, but as the saying goes: If it's important, you'll find the time.  

Another rule I try and stick to is no olympic lifts before 6 A.M.  I'm not saying this goes for everyone, but I can't recall I time where I've ever felt ready to clean or snatch early in the morning.  My CNS just doesn't have the capability of firing at the rate needed to move weights during olympic lifts at that time of the day.  There are thousands of ways to train the same movement using different exercises, so I got a little creative and did some circuit work.  I paired lower body strength building movements with hip hinging and one of the most overlooked, but always effective power movements, SQUAT JUMPS!

Overall, I think it went well for being that early in the morning.  No pictures today, nobody wants to see this face covered in sweat at 5 A.M....

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